Day 3 of Chinese new Year was spent in vanesse's house.( Her mum can bake really well.....:O she made pizza and cupcakes for us :999)

Super cool blackboard at vanesse's place
(been super long since the last time i played with blackboarddddd:OOO)
CANDIDDDDDD (me judging and me being ultra happy)

Group pic^^ (all of them had fun gambling hehehe. i didn't gamble:))))) -PROUD-
The cat that beryl's grandparents keep. (SUPER CUTE) it is using it's paw to cover the sunlight AHHHH

Zhanyang's birthday present HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH

Fecilia's birthday present

One of the books I borrowed. Super adorable and beautiful even though it's a picture book, it has a lot of impactful messages inside
awkward ootd after I watch "from vegas to macau"
This movie is ultra nice anyways. Super funny but stresses on certain moral values too. (IDK how to say that but yeahhh. A good movie to watch during the CNY season)
Epic cute juniors from choir. ^v^
Random person's dog that beryl find cute HAHAHAHA

"A dream like a dream"stage at esplanade theatre, the red portion is the "lotus pond" and audiences are suppose to sit there...well if they bought the most expensive tickets which were alr out of stock when we try to buy the tickets.....:( It's a play which lasted around 8hours. Pretty crazy for those actors and for all the audiences. But it's really nice and I really love it...(wish i could watch it again but the group of actors are probably in some other countries performing alr:( )
I was really grumpy cause....as u can see...the stage is freaking far away from me and I was really sad....
Dinner after Part1 of the show, before Part2. was@soupspoon.
@ around 12.30 @jurong east. it's crazy how we spent so many hours tgt. zzZ
Tasty cookie i took from skyxis during bio lesson. This really nice. :99
A google image that jerron sent me and cheated me into believing that he was at east coast park on a school night...zzZ
recess buddies. photobombed by 2prefects.
one of those days that i selfie on beryl's phone (if i did not rmb)

such a heart breaker:'( (random pic sent to me from beryl)
Just to let u know, I bought cereal for beryl.(oh it rhymes) and she bought honey stars for me. yeah.
Yeppp see the honey star theree? HAHAHAHAHAHA we are so weirdddd
In class with Fecilia on Vday :D

can u see my eyes from the horse's nostril? HAHAHAHAHAHA

Had lots of fun taking photo :D

eating at teckwhye once again. LOVE THE FOOD THEREEEEE(valentine's day snack)
Specially happy about how zhanyang wrote me a card/letter/idk what to call it. it's not the super nice or long card but I was really happy(^^) And he put it under my tableeeeee. HEHEHEHEHE

Saturday morning( the moon was very pretty)

Cute Toddler
Icecream after the sports fiesta. Yumyum(nutella+raspberry flavour)

Ending off with this cause I feel that some people can be so negative sometimes I can't stand it. Help yourself and be happy. Don't let others be in control of ur happiness. And always remember to not let ur negativity affect those happy people around u( thats very selfish)

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